Monday 20 August 2012

Gyrobike: A Better Way To Learn To Ride

Learning to ride a bike can be tough. But now there's Gyrobike's Gyrowheel. Gyrowheel is a revolutionary front wheel for children's bikes and is a better solution than traditional training wheels. Powered-on, Gyrowheel delivers high stability at low speed to help keep the rider upright. The rider learns correct riding technique and enjoys a safer, easier and faster learning experience.

YouTube link

1 comment(s):

Gareth said...

Sounds dumb and expensive to me.

The sensible way to teach a kid to ride is to take the crank out of their bike altogether. Let them learn to balance by walking the bike on a level surface. Then by coasting down very gentle gradients. Then onto steeper gradients. Then replace the cranks, but with just one pedal. This gives them a footrest and gets them used to at least resting their feet on the pedals. Finally on a gentle down gradient replace both pedals and teach them to pedal.

My son learned to ride in two hours by this method.

For something that will only take a few hours why spend money on a gimmick?